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- Категория: Uncategorised
- Опубликовано 12.11.2015 19:10
- Автор: Super User
- Просмотров: 96314
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law is the all-Ukrainian scientific and practical economic and legal journal which has been printed since January 1, 1996. Starting in 2023, the magazine is published 6 times a year. The journal was founded with the aim of development of a solid bridge between Ukrainian legal science and entrepreneurial activity, which at the time of its creation also were at the initial stages of progress. It can be observed in the archives of the journal, which was formed for 20 years, due to the enthusiasm and devotion of the conscientious representatives of the editorial staff.
Co-founders of Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law Journal are Scientific Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship named after academician F. G. Burchak; now, its staff carries out an internal review of scientific articles received by the editorial board, and Garantia Ltd.
The legal partner of Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law Journal is Gestors Attorneys’ Association whose partners carry out an external peer review of authors articles, based on their long-term legal practice in the field of commercial law.
As of today , Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law Journal is the only publishing house in Ukraine, specifically devoted to the creation of the very scientific basis of entrepreneurial and other economic activity, as well as its development.
The magazine "Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law" publishes materials that highlight the pressing problems of the economy, relevant from the standpoint of economic activity issues of constitutional, civil, economic-procedural, administrative, financial, labor, environmental, land, agrarian, criminal, criminal-procedural and other areas of law, provides foreign experience in the organization and implementation of entrepreneurship.
The journal was included in the List No. 3 of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, in which the results of the dissertation works for obtaining the scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences (hereinafter - List No. 3), approved by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission No. 3-05 / 11 of November 10, 1999, may be published ( in Russian-speaking writing).
The magazine complied with the requirements for professional publications included in the lists of the HAC of Ukraine (Resolution of the Presidium of the HAC of 15.01.2003 No. 7-05 / 1) and was not excluded from the List of No. 3. Resolution of the Presidium of the HAC of Ukraine of December 16, 2009 1-05 / 6 "On the entry of periodicals of printed scientific professional editions in the new List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine" The journal was again classified as professional for legal specialties (61 items of the table).
Re-registration of the journal in the section "Legal Sciences" was carried out in 2015 on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1328 of 21.12.2015, Annex No. 8.
Based on the Order of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine as of 17.03.2020 № 409 (annex 1), the journal is included in the list of professional publications of category "B" in the field of legal sciences (081 "Law", 293 "International Law").
The journal is included in Index Copernicus International (Poland) international scientometric database.
Entrepreneurship, Business and Law is indexed in the Google Scholar Scientometric Database.
Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1905 as of 30.05.2024.
ISSN: Print 2663-5313, Online 2663-5321.
The magazine has been repeatedly recognized by the diplomas of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine as one of the winners of the All-Ukrainian competition for the best legal publication in the nominations "Periodical Law Books" and "Best Printing Magazine".
The editorial board of Entrepreneurship, Business and Law tries to make a qualitative selection of materials, while providing equal opportunities for the publication of their materials to scientists and practitioners, both well-known and young, but talented scientists. Editions of the magazine are provided by real professionals, including people with many years of experience in law, science, education and printing. The journal has a long and close relationship with many higher education institutions of legal and economic profile in Ukraine and foreign countries, with research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine.
The motto of "Entrepreneurship, Business and Law" is "Pacta sunt servanda", which translates from Latin as "Contracts must be fulfilled".